Consulting, Treatment and Therapy Liability Insurance

Affordable Professional Indemnity and Public Liability insurance for individuals, limited companies, entities and groups working in healthcare and alternative therapies.

Immediate cover is available for a wide range of therapies, treatments, coaching and counselling as listed below plus many more.

Click below for more information and to buy online.

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(A) A Herbalife independent distributor, A Nu Skin Independent Distributor, Abe Healing, Access Consciousness Bars , Accreditation Agency, Acting Tutor, Acupressure, Adjudicator, Advanced Sound-Wave Energy, Alexander Technique, Allergy Testing, Allergy Therapy, Angel Card Reading, Angel Therapy, Angel Work, Antenatal classes, Appreciative Inquiry, Aqua Detox therapy, Arbitrator, Aromatherapy, Art in health, Art Therapy, Art Tutor, Assertiveness training for work, Astro-Therapy, Astrology, Auditory Integration Training, Aura Imaging Photography, AURA-SOMA,  Auricular Acupuncture, Auriculo Therapy, Ayurvedic Massage, Ayurvedic Yoga Massage (B) Baby Massage, Baby Reflex, Baby Sign language, Baby Yoga, Back Massage, Bates method of vision improvement, Beauty Facial, Behaviour Therapy, Belvaspata healing, Bio Detox Therapy, Bio-Magnetic Therapy, Biofeedback, Bioptron Light Therapy, Biorhythms, Bnwyfre, Board Certified Assistant Behavior Analyst(BCaBA), Board Certified Behavior Analyst (BCBA, BCBA-D), Body Conditioning / Swiss Ball, Body Slimming/spa treatments, Body Talk, Bowen Technique, Breastfeeding Counsellor, Breath Therapy, Business and Management Auditing, Business Coach, Business Consultant, Business Development Consultant, Buteyko Breathing (D) Dance Movement Therapy, Dance teacher, Dance Therapy, Daoyin Tao, De-cluttering Practitioner, De-cluttering Practitioner (APDO-UK Member), Deeksha Healing/Oneness Blessing, Deep Tissue Massage, Dementia Care Training, Depression at work awareness training, Dietary Cooking, Dietary Supplements Advisor, Diversity & Dignity at Work Awareness Training, Divorce Consultant, Dog behaviourist / Trainer, Dog Boarding, Doula - Birth and Postnatal, Dowsing, Drama Therapy, Drama/movement workshops, Dream Therapy, Dry Needling (E) Educational Coaching and Tuition, Educational Consultant, Electrolysis, Emmett Technique, Emo Trance, Emotional Freedom Technique, Emotional Freedom Therapy, Empulse electromagnetic therapy, Encounter Groups, Energy Cone Technique (ECT), Energy Healing, Executive Associate (accredited by the IIB), External Quality Assurance, Eye Movement Desensitisation and Reprocessing (EMDR), Eyebrow Perfection, Eyebrows, Eyelash extensions (F) Face Painting, Face Reading, Facilitator, Faith Healing, Fake Nails, Far-Infrared Detoxification, Feng Shui, First Aid at Work training, First Aid Training, Fitness Instruction, Flatpack furniture assembly, Floatation Tank Therapy, Flower Remedies, Focusing, Food and Wellness Coaching, Foot Health Practitioner (G) Gem Remedies, Geopathic Stress, Gestalt, , Guided Self Healing (H) Hair Extentions, Hairdressing, Happiness Cure, Havening - Amygdala Depotentiation Technique (ADT), Heal your Life, Healing Codes, Healing Dowsing, Health & Lifestyle Trainer, Health & Safety consultancy, Health Coaching, Health Kinesology, Hearing Coaching, Hearing Therapy, Helix Healing, Hellerwork, Henna Body Art, Herbalism, Holistic massage, Holistic psychotherapy, Holographic repatterning, Home Staging, Homeopathy, Hopi Ear Candling, Hot & Cold Stone Massage, Human Resources Consultancy, Hyperton-X Kinesiology, HypnoBirthing, Hypnotherapy (I) I-Ching Readings, Ignite Your Spirit Therapy, Image Consultant, Indian head massage, Integrated Energy Therapy, Integrative art therapy, Interior Design, Introduction agency, Intuitive Artwork, Intuitive Counselling, Iridology, IT instruction and confidence building (K) Kalari Foot Massage, Karuna Reiki, Kinesiology, Ku Nye (Tibetan) Head Massage, Kundalini Yoga (L) LaStone Therapy, Laughter therapy, Lava Shells Massage, Leadership training, Life Coaching, Light therapy, Lymph Drainage Massage (M) M technique, Magnetic Crystal Sound Healing, Makeup artist, Management - setting up & running a small business, Management Consultancy, Management Consultant to the Social Care Industry, Management Training - appraisal skills, Management Training - disciplinary skills, Management Training - interview skills, Management Training - performance skills, Management Training - personal effectiveness, Management Training - presentation skills, Management Training - sales, Management Training - self management, Management Training - team leadership skills, Management Training - team working, Management Training - time management, Management Training and advice on communication skills, Mandala Life Coach, Manicure & Pedicure, Manipulative Therapy, Manual Lymphatic Drainage, Market Research Consultant, Marketing Consultant, Mary Network Healing, Massage, Matrix Reimprinting, Mediation, arbitration or adjudication chambers, Mediation/Conciliation, Meditation guidance, Mediumship, Mentoring, Meridian Energy Therapy, Meridian Psychotherapy, Meta-Medicine, Metabolic Effect Fitness, Metamorphic Technique, Metaphysical Practitioner, Metatronia, Metatronia Therapy, Mickel Therapy, Mindfulness Meditation, MLM consultant, Mobiliser, modelling, Music Teacher, Musical Performances, Myers Briggs, Myers Briggs Type Indicator (N) Naturopathy, Networking leader, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Neuro Lingusitic Programming Training, Neutral Space Relaxation, Non surgical breast lift, Numerology, Nutri-Energetics, Nutritional Therapy (O) Oracle Card reading, Ordained Minister, Organising business activities, Oriental Face Massage, Oriental Hand Massage, Osteopath
(P) Painting and decorating, Palmistry, Paranormal Practitioner, Parenting Classes, Past Life Regression Therapy, Pendulum Dowsing, Personal Development, Personal safety training, Pet Sitting and Dog Walker, Photography, Physical mediumship, Pilates, Play Therapy, PNF, Polarity Therapy, Pre & Post Natal Exercise, Pregnancy Massage, Primal Integration therapy, Professional Organiser - APDO-UK member, PSYCH-K, Psychic readings, Psychic Surgery, Psychobiology, Psychology, Psychometric assessment, Psychosynthesis, Psychotherapist (Q) Quantum Holographic Echo Healing, Quantum-Touch (R) Radical Forgiveness, Radionics, Rahanni Celestial Healing, Rapid Results Consultant, Reality Therapy, Reconnective Healing, Reference Point Therapy (RPT),  Reflective Repatterning, Reflexology, Reiki, Relationship Consultant, Relaxation therapy, Remote Viewing, Report Preparation, Researcher, Reverse Therapy, Rhythmic Movement Training, Runes (S) Scenar therapy, School Inspector, Seated Chair massage, Secret Shopper, Secretarial/admin or PA, Sedona Method, Seichim Healing, , Shamanic Healing, Shen Therapy, Shiatsu, SimplyHealed Method, Singing/Vocal Instruction, Sleep Coach, Sleep Consultant, Soul Plan Reading, SoulLife, SoulTalk, Sound Healing, Speech and language therapy, Spiritual Accompaniment, Spiritual healing, Sport Massage, Sports and Exercise Nutritional Advisor, Sports Injury Therapists, Spray Tanning, Stress Counselling, Stress Management, Stress Massage, Sugaring, Surge of Chi Exerciser, Swedish Massage (T) T-Journey, Tai chi, Talent Management, Tanning, Tapas Acupressure Technique, Tarot card reading, Tatty Bumpkin, Teaching acting, Team Building Exercises, Thai foot massage, Thai Hot Herb Massage, Thai Yoga Massage, The Balance Procedure, The Emotion Code, The Journey, Therapeutic Supervision, Thermal Palms, Thermo-Auricular Therapy, Theta DNA Healing, Thought Field Therapy, Threading, Thrivecraft, Tibetan Acupressure, Time Line Therapy, Tinnitus Coaching, Trager, Train the Trainer, Trauma Release Exercises (TRE), Tui Na Chinese Massage, Tutor (U) UK Paranormal Practitioner, Ultrasound Cavatation (V) Vibrillian, Visualisation, Vitamin Therapy, Voice Dialogue, Voice tutor, training and teaching (W) Warm Bamboo Massage, Wax hair removal, Wedding Coach, Weight Loss Practitioner, Weight Management, Whole Food Therapy, Writing Skills Training (Y) Yoga, Yoga-fun & fitness (Z) Zdenko Domancic Bioenergy Therapy