Building Guarantees, Structural Warranty or Latent Defects Insurance

If you are involved in the construction of new residential or commercial buildings, or social housing new developments, conversions or stock regeneration projects then there will be a need to protect your investment against any structural defects that may occur, and structural warranties are in any case usually required by many mortgage lenders and development funders.

At MSM Insurance we are proud to have partnered with one of the UK’s leading providers of Structural Warranty and Latent Defect building insurance, Premier Guarantee, to bring you secure and competitively priced insurance cover.

Cover is available in most cases for single/multiple properties, new builds, conversions, social housing developments including conversions, stock regeneration projects, “simple completion” developments and often for properties that have already been completed without the benefit of a warranty already in place (subject to acceptance criteria). Commercial buildings and mixed-use developments can also be covered, and insurance is also available for mechanical/electrical systems including lifts, escalators, heating, ventilation, boilers and air-conditioning systems.

We would be pleased to discuss your specific project requirements so please phone Amy or Dave on 01279-870535 between 9 and 5 Monday to Friday (ex Bank Holidays), complete our general call-back enquiry form or email us brief details of your project and when and where we can contact you to review your likely cover requirements and arrange quotations – Email: